Olive oil has had a powerful effect on the way of life in Greece through the years. Its use is commonly found in the kitchen, in household remedies, and homemade cosmetics.
Local daily uses:
- From the ancient times, olive oil was used as candle fuel, even nowadays its light warms the Greek household placed as a candili, near the religious icons and kept lit all year round, with the holy light from Greek Easter.
- The purity of olive oil in tradition was believed to chase away evil eye.
- In the old days, olive oil was used to preserve meat, vegetables, anything you placed in olive oil, would not spoil easily.
- It is also tradition to eat ladera, vegetable and legume dishes cooked in olive oil, every Wednesday and Friday. These dishes are commonly used we give the recipes LINK
- Fanuropita is a sweet pie prepared in honour of Saint Fanurios with pure olive oil to recover lost items or wellwishes. Fanuropita today
- In all Greek recipes oil, means olive oil. If you substitute it with any other type of oil, it will absolutely not taste the same. In Greece children can guess what’s for supper by the rich smell of olive oil cooking in the neighbourhood.
Local use in medicine:
- Drinking a spoonful of olive oil in the morning is the secret to a long life, good health and active lifestyle.
- Daily consumption helps with gallstones and hypertension and oils the joints against rheumatism.
- A drop of warm olive oil in the ear, takes away the pain and the inflammation.
- A spoonful of extra virgin olive oil heals ulcers and helps the intestines work properly.
Local use in cosmetics
The myth of beauty … here are some natural beauty treatments. Remember that Extra Virgin Olive Oil doesn’t contain any chemicals. They are effective because they contain the valuable olive oil components. They are safe because olive oil is absolutely natural without any chemical additives.
Most face and body creams are based on olive oil, so are moisturizers and hydrating creams.
- For silky hair, warm olive oil used as a mask, works wonders.
- From the ancient times olive oil was used in massage.
- For burns, and dry skin, there is an amazing recipe that heals the skin immediately; it is called keralifi