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Spring. Nature's new year

March 21st at 12:00am

Spring is the most eagerly awaited season. In the past, it was greeted by spring festivals and in some countries the beginning of spring still corresponds to the start of the new year. It is an onset because nature is ready to start again. We will soon see the branches of the trees swell with buds, and bloom; everything will change colour. We will have this miracle again this time: a beginning after the Covid-19, which is still present but, nevertheless, a new beginning to which we have placed the hope of a special rebirth. Nature is strong, she goes ahead and will soon tease our senses with scents and colours that will turn into the intense flavours of summer.

A new start

We also want to be part of this new start, we want to make plans despite everything, we want to dream, it is a time of rebirth for us, too.

However, it is also a time of transition; the spring season tries its best to overcome the grey winter, and we feel caught between the desire to be active and our tiredness. Feeling overwhelmed has accumulated during the cold months, plus being exhausted from the changes the body goes through with the arrival of spring: the change of climate, temperature, day-night rhythm all add to risking our balance. Then there is the winter diet rich in carbohydrates, sweets and fats.  The remnants of winter are struggling to leave, while we need energy for our rebirth.

A plan is needed

We need a plan to get rid of the toxins that trap our energy. Let's get our body and mind moving again.

  • Exercise: for the sporty it's no problem, for the less active give it a try; don't miss out on exercise, park a little further away, walk up the stairs, but also do the housework, spring cleaning in fact; although nothing is healthier than walking for half an hour every day; just try.
  • Get enough rest: lack of sleep is detrimental to health, affects our mental abilities, impairs our judgement and causes taking unnecessary risks
  • Healthy eating: in addition to the common recommendation to drink plenty of water, detoxifying foods should be consumed. It's not that complicated.
​​​​​​​Fresh fruit in the morning is a vitamin bomb, and then for lunch seasonal vegetables such as carrots, fennel, cabbage, celery, which can be eaten raw in a salad with oil and lemon dressing and can be boiled for dinner with oil, lemon and some fresh herbs: very light and easy to prepare.

If you want something a little more refined, yet simple this season, there are artichokes and green fava beans.
We recommend enjoying their naturally distinct flavour in the simplest way: a few ingredients that enhance the taste of the food. A few gestures will rejuvenate us.

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